– Screw the top of the nebulizer back on. Nebulised epinephrine dose by age or weight* – Add enough 0.9% sodium chloride to obtain a total volume of 4 to 4.5 ml in the medicine cup. – Using the syringe, place the prescribed amount of epinephrine in the lower part of the nebulizer. – Wash hands with soap and water or disinfect them with an alcohol-based solution. – Verify the prescription: name, prescribed dose, concentration of epinephrine in the ampoule. – 5 ml syringe + 19G needle, single use 16.3 Technique Aerosol preparation (just before use) – Single patient equipment: paediatric mask + tubing Do not exceed 5 ml of nebulised epinephrine. 16.1 DosageĠ.5 ml/kg/dose (using 1 mg/ml ampoule). It must be prescribed by a doctor and should only be repeated on medical prescription.
Nebulised epinephrine (adrenaline) is indicated in severe acute laryngotracheobronchitis (in combination with dexamethasone by IM injection).